Premier Zhu Rongji Met With Austrian National Council President Heinz Fischer and Federal Council President Ludwig Bieringer

2002-01-21 00:00

On September 20, 2002, Premier Zhu Rongji met with Austrian National Council President Heinz Fischer and Federal Council President Ludwig Bieringer.

Zhu conveyed Chairman of National People's Congress (NPC) Li Peng's greetings and said that Sino-Austrian relations have had a sound development with active exchanges in politics, economy, culture, education, science and technology. He said China is satisfied with the development.

Zhu said that his meetings with Austrian leaders have shown that there is no obstacle to the bilateral friendship. He stressed that exchanges and cooperation between the two parliaments are of significance to the development of bilateral ties, welcoming more Austrian parliamentarians to visit China to enhance mutual understandings and friendship.

Zhu also briefed the two Austrian parliament leaders on the coming 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) at their request. He stressed the congress will show that in the new historical period,CPC will continue the reform and opening-up policy and build China into a better country in the spirit of keeping abreast of the times.

Extending a warm welcome to Zhu for his visit to Austria on the part of the two councils, Fischer said that the Austrian parliament firmly supports the development of Austria-China friendship and cooperation, and Austrian parties, despite their different views, share the same idea on furthering bilateral relations. He said that the Austrian parliament sticks to a One China policy. He expressed his admiration for China's achievements in the past years as he visited China often since 1974.

Bieringer said that China is an influential country in the world and it conforms to the common interest of both the EU and China to strengthen their cooperation as the European Union is to expand and will have more population and area and greater economic power. He also said that Austria will spare no effort to push forward the development of EU-China relations.

Zhu also met with personnel from the Chinese Embassy in Austria and Permanent Missions to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Vienna, as well as representatives of overseas Chinese and students.